
Monday, February 18, 2013

How to get rid of excess fat - 10 Tips

Mysterious ways that people use to lose weight, sometimes look scary. One of the participants of the modern talk show said that her daily diet consists of a piece of bread with ketchup plastered on it, because it only helps her to not gain weight. 
Trying to find the fastest way to get rid of fat, women expose themselves to different physical torture. They have for many days slurp liquid cabbage soup, eat some grapefruit as long as they did not chapped lips, and sometimes to the extreme ... and stop eating altogether.
If you want to get rid of body fat and maintain that form in the future, you should do it right.
Here are 10 simple secrets that will help you get rid of fat:
Regularly train with weights.
Muscle - that's the secret of success in getting rid of fat. If you start to train with weights at least three times a week, you will build muscle. Muscles are not only give beautiful shape to your figure (it is elastic and embossed fabric, while the fatty tissue - soft and flabby), the more muscle you have, the more calories your body needs to support them. Muscle burns more fuel, even when you sleep. So, if you're sticking to a reasonable calorie diet low in fat, include resistance training to your program, it will significantly increase the likelihood that you will burn more calories than you consume. If the body is not enough coming from food calories, it uses the energy reserves of "fuel" (ie fat), gradually burning it.
  • No need to starve yourself.
If you do not change in volume for a few months, your body is used to this content in the fat. Significant reduction in consumption of calories will break the system. If you are starving, your body will be fat calories every possible cocoon. Your metabolism slows down, and the body will spend less "fuel". You will try in every way to lose weight, but your body will make every effort to retain as far as possible the existing soft tissue. Attempts to keep the number of calories too low will lead to the fact that your body will burn muscle for energy. A muscle - your "best helpers."
  • Eat less fat.
If you save your diet of excess fat, then you will see the results, regardless of whether you do or not. It is quite possible to live without chips and fried chicken. Eat boiled, stewed and baked meat and tomato sauces instead of cream sauce and sandwiches.
  • Fat contains more calories than protein and carbohydrates.
Many fats have no nutritional value, but there are some varieties that are acceptable. Buy a good book on nutrients, or a recipe book of low-calorie diet meals, it will help you. And when you know what you should avoid in the diet, it will open up new opportunities for you to achieve your goals in the regulation of its own weight.
  • Do not pay attention to labels such as "contains no fat."
Today, there are virtually fat-free versions of all products. The question is, is it necessary? This is not the only fool you (you start to believe that it is possible to have these products in large quantities, as they contain no fat), but who knows what they are found? What do they put in these products to replace fat? If you want to make cookies with no fat in the home of the good natural products - fine, but do not use one that is commercially available, stuffed with chemicals and preservatives, just because the label says that "it does not contain fat."
  • Give yourself a well-deserved award.
Best of all, if you allow yourself something like, manicure, massage or some entertainment to reward yourself for "diligent behavior." However, a small amount of the forbidden food can lift your spirits. If you have been disciplined all week, weekends allow yourself to make exceptions from the diet. Of course you should not overeat, but to afford some of the products on which you abstain, it is possible. Add to your scrambled egg whites small pieces of roasted meat. Instead eat a chicken breast pieces 01.02 pizza. A small piece of the pie with cheese or apples will not kill you. But do not let yourself get out of control and eat too big portion of these products. While you should allow yourself some things to brighten up there, too much good will throw you back in achieving the objectives.
  • You are always at hand to be something useful in case you want to eat.
There are times when you are hungry and you can not ignore this fact. Appetite for women varies throughout the menstrual cycle. If, after drinking a glass of water, you still feel hungry, you should still eat. On the hand, you always should be some useful food for the occasion. Fruit, raw carrots or cabbage, or even half a chicken breast completely satisfy your hunger. But try to avoid starchy foods, even popcorn, if you do not have enough control over themselves to stop in time when you really satisfied. Many women experience cravings for flour products containing a large number of calories. Try to refrain from complex carbohydrates, especially at night.
  • Increase aerobic activity.
If you want to speed up the fat burning process, increase the time of exercise. The more calories you burn, the faster your body will turn to fat stores for energy recovery, spending those calories that came with the food. Despite the great importance of weight training to maintain strength and fitness of the body, increasing aerobic activity (no matter what you choose - a long walk after dinner or half an hour on the treadmill in the morning) will help you to more quickly achieve your goals in burning fat.
  • Very good exercise in the morning.
During sleep, the body uses the available "fuel" (contained in the blood sugar and muscle glycogen), arrived with food for the day. If you practice in the morning right after waking up, when glycogen stores are depleted, your body has no choice - he can only get energy from fat reserves. Before breakfast, at least 20 minutes perform aerobic work (if time permits, you can even longer). If you have the ability, resistance training is also good conduct in the morning, then you have to get rid of fat. You will not only burn more fat for energy during intense workout, but it will accelerate the rate of metabolism for the day, which will result in burning more calories. But remember that weight training before breakfast - this is wrong. You will have enough power to perform the exercises correctly.
  • Drink more water.
Water - one of your best friends. It fills the stomach, giving a feeling of satiety, cleans the entire digestive system. The more you drink the liquid, the less likely water retention, which will help avoid the kind of puffy. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you exercise a lot and lose a lot of fluid in perspiration, you should drink even more fluids.
  • You should eat 5-6 small meals a day.
No, no, you do not have to load up "from the belly" to 6 times a day. You must be 6 times a day to get a small portion of protein and carbohydrates (with a minimum of fat). A serving of protein foods should be around 120 g (size of a deck of cards). A serving of carbohydrate food - it is about a cup of cooked rice, anything from fruit (about the size of a tennis ball), a bit of salad, etc. If you do not like to cook, it can get a special cocktail or meal replacement protein bar. Try to eat 3-4 times a normal diet, and in the intervals between meals - cocktails that are prepared very quickly. If you eat every 3 hours, it will not let you go hungry to the point that the "pounce" on the packet of crisps. This will keep the rate of metabolism, which means a higher rate of calorie burning.
DOWNLOAD : Complete Diet Plan

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