
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to lose weight at home, with health benefits?

On the calendar end of March, and not far off season  open, short skirts, narrow . At this time, all women want to look particularly attractive. And I thought about how to lose weight and get ready for spring early and get out of closets easy things. Looking over your spring and summer wardrobe, I was horrified to find that my favorite topics I became a little too narrow, and in the light white pants I was not as comfortable as last summer. After a bit of experience on this subject, I decided to immediately begin bringing their figures in shape. So I ask the question - "How to lose weight without dieting at home, with how to lose weight quickly and in a healthy way?"
First of all, if you think about how to lose weight and want to lose weight without dieting right at home, you need to watch your diet. This is not How to lose weight How to lose weight at home uslloviyah mean to dramatically restrict your diet. Rapid change in weight is very bad for health. Because the body got used to its weight, it accumulates it gradually. If you suddenly take on a strict diet and force the body to lose in a short time more than 10% of the previous weight, it can lead to various diseases. Regulatory system in the body does not have time to respond to such changes. Considered normal to lose 1-2 kg per month. If you were able to throw off a few pounds, do not try to lose weight and more. It is better to try to keep your weight for a while at this level.
Of course, in order to lose weight without dieting at home, it is better to refuse the use of sweet and starchy foods. But knowing myself, I can assume that for some it is a very, very severe test. I can hold out for a while without the sweet, but then surely tear away and eat a lot of sweets for more times than I would eat them gradually. So, if you like and I can not imagine my life without cookies, and chocolates marmeladok, then just try to reduce their daily amount. Replace sugar with honey, it's healthier and tastier, and help protect yourself from colds. Tea can not drink and biscuits, and with dried apricots instead of chocolate candy, eat jelly. And another trick, if you think about how to lose weight properly - better to eat sweets in the morning than in the evening. During the day you will have time to shake the unwanted calories. (Also, I recommend you read about weight loss using home remedies "Recipes harmony of my grandmother's trunk. or folk remedies for weight loss." ).
For proper weight loss diet is better to take more frequent but smaller meals. Let breakfast and lunch will be the bulk meals, dinner made easy. Do not eat food in the evening, which have long to digest and are hard on the stomach. For example, grilled meat, sausage, mushrooms, cakes and beans. This limitation is due to the fact that at night your metabolism slows down, and so the body is difficult to cope with the digestion of food.
In addition, after a meal, in the morning, or swelling may appear headache, and sleep after a meal will not be easy. Remember, if you are thinking about how to lose weight, it is important to eat for dinner digestible foods such as fish, roasted or boiled meat, some seafood, and vegetables. They are able to digest for 2-3 hours, therefore, the body will rest at night.
And the most important in order to lose weight! Supper try not too late for some hours in the 19-19.30 pm.
Another very powerful advice to howl the question of how to lose weight, I gave a friend who, as I decided to have weight loss . Brush your teeth right after dinner to not be tempted to chew on something. Indeed, it helps. Sometimes I want to eat something before going to sleep, and the teeth have been cleaned. Do not clean them well again!
Eat more vegetables and fruits. These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, positive effect on digestion. But remember that not all fruits and vegetables contribute to weight loss. For example, bananas contain a lot of sugar, and figs and olives - fat. Do not rush to immediately exclude these fruits from your diet. Despite this, they are very helpful, just all need to know when to stop. Eat one banana a day, but eat more apples, carrots and oranges.
Fruit and vegetable diet does not mean that you can exclude from your diet meat. Our food should be healthy , balanced and integrated, the body must get the whole set of necessary elements to it. Replace fried meat boiled. Instead  pork cook fish or white meat chicken. And on a side dish you can boil or bake vegetables.
Also on a side dish can be cooked buckwheat or other grains. Buckwheat excels excrete body radiation, stimulates blood formation, strengthens the immune system, has beneficial effects on blood vessels and the heart, besides all this, it is also an essential source of protein. On the Internet you can even find a lot of diets based on the daily use of buckwheat. But I'm still of the opinion that food should be varied, and weight loss should be right, without the extreme, so I'm not in favor of diets.
Another secret to losing weight without dieting right at home, it is water. 30-40 minutes before the food is good to drink a glass of clean water, better warm. Drinking water will prevent dehydration, skin cells will be filled with moisture, which prevents unwanted wrinkles. In addition, a glass of water before a meal to fill the stomach a little, and you will eat less. The normal is needed daily to drink about 2 liters of clean water.
If you can not give up bread at all, it is better to replace white bread with black. Black bread baked from a coarser grain. It has more fiber and vitamins than white bread.
Another piece of advice for the proper diet - drink tea immediately after a meal, and after a while, for example, in 20-30 minutes. First, after 30 minutes of eating the body realizes that already satisfied, and the tea you will eat much less sweets.
Secondly, drinking sweet tea food eaten, the body begins the process of fermentation, which is not good for our health.
Generally, it is better to drink tea without sugar, and black tea prefer green. Green tea when brewed retains more nutrients. Regular use of this tea improves elasticity of blood vessels, accelerate the decomposition of cholesterol, washed out harmful salts.

Well, of course, talking about how to lose weight and how to lose weight at home, we can not say about the benefits of exercise. Any diet will be more effective if its action to back up regular physical training.
We begin with a special shape. It will help speed up the process of losing weight in the home improvement and figures in sports. The principle of operation of the garment based on calling sweating, with which the body of toxins and waste products, therefore, the process of weight loss will go faster. However, this form is quite expensive. So take her production at home. Wrap the problem areas (eg, waist, hips) with cling film, put on top of a T-shirt and pants, which will train. Well, if the pants are made of thick fabric to increase sweating.
We now turn to the exercises. You can deal with at home, if you have enough willpower. Be sure to use a complex exercise for your problem areas. Things definitely need to start with a warm-up, not to damage the muscle. A few minutes you can jump on the rope to twist or exercise bike. Only then start basic exercises.
Personally, I really like the set of exercises, which offers Laysan Utiasheva. One day I stumbled upon a program in which she shows exercises for weight loss at home. After that found the Internet a full range and now I try to do every day. Exercises are not difficult, but effective. Enough to engage in 10-15 minutes a day. The effect is awesome, check for yourself. Check out the classes well stretching to relieve tension from the muscles.
If you find it hard to study at home, then join a fitness club. Select the direction that you like. Yes, and in the company of like-minded people to engage much more pleasant than in isolation.
Good help lose weight skating. It affects all muscle groups, developing locomotion, improves metabolism. Now almost every city you can find private ice rinks and skate not only in winter but in the spring, and even summer. Get in the habit at least once a week to go with friends to the rink. This active session will not only lose weight, but also improves mood and temper the body.
Another effective means of weight loss is walking. This method is most suitable for those who do not like to do in the gym or playing sports who are contraindicated. Try to walk every day, for example, go to work on foot. But that was the effect, walk a must quickly and vigorously, but not less than 30 minutes a day.
Remember that with the right weight loss is important to use all the methods in the complex. Is active in sports, but it does not restrict your diet, eat at night junk food, get involved in sweet - no effect. But also do not need to overdo it. Nutrition should be a full and varied, do regular intervals between meals, give up snacking. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Exercise, but pace yourself and do not need to exercise, exercise should bring you pleasure. This, I think, is the secret of a healthy, efficient and proper diet.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to burn belly fat, and get rid of belly damn!

Tired of hiding this damn bulging belly? Want to learn about the most effective fat burner on the stomach? That's what this article says: read and act!

Sometimes you have to mind the desperate idea that the belly fat - destruction of beauty around you. This dough is bulging out of jeans with a low waistline, which you see in the mirror in front of ... Just a disaster and your curse! Perhaps you are too picky, but when you see those models on TV, such thin and flat, then involuntarily sigh, why should not you be like that!

But you can! Of course, we do not have in mind a model plane and thinness. No, it just goes on the possibility to remove excess fat from the belly, lose fat rolls on the sides. Moreover, the fat on my stomach and sides is injurious to health: increased risk of heart disease.

So our task - to find effective measures to burn fat in the abdomen, the ones that make hateful melt belly bulging in front of a mirror.

The fact is that fat burners do not work alone, but only the team. Only a combination of measures will lead to a deliberate purpose. One tool is the basis for the other, but not working, being isolated.
The three components to burn fat from the abdomen: We will talk about nutrition, exercise and special preparations for burning fat.

Nutrition as an accelerator fat loss from stomach

quickly burn belly fat It's not what you think you'll eat something special and fat from the abdomen immediately increases (sorry, that does not happen). In reality, this means that you should include in your diet are foods that make the body to act differently, the digestive process will be different. That is what will ultimately lead to the desired: belly fat will disappear.
Here are some tips for selecting the right foods, fat burners:

1. A diet high in fiber

Such a diet - one of the most effective measures to reduce the fat reserves on the stomach. Dietary fiber such products not only improve the digestive process, but give a sense of satiety for a long time, prevent overeating.
2. A diet low in carbohydrates

Difficult to digest carbohydrates and excess immediately transformed into fat. Therefore, removing the excess intake of carbohydrates that you really do not need, you are helping the body get rid of fat on my stomach and sides.
3. Eat less, but more often

Get rid of the bad habit of load in one sitting, refusing dinner and breakfast. Eat small meals more often, every 3-4 hours. So you eliminate digestive system overload, and the food is digested completely, which prevents the deposition of fat in the abdomen.

4. Eat fresh organic foods

Avoid canned, salty, sugary foods: they are full of empty calories that are quickly converted to fat in the abdomen and flanks.

5. Drink plenty of water

Do not forget about the importance of drinking a lot of water and low calorie juice if you want to get rid of the fat on  stomach! Advised to drink warm water. That warm water is needed when you are struggling with the fat on the stomach.

Here is a list of products, fat burners on the abdomen:
  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • green tea
  • eggs
  • nuts and seeds
  • Berries
  • whole grains and cereals
  • beans peas lentils
  • fish
  • lean
  • avocado
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • low-fat dairy products

Exercise to burn belly fat

foods that burn belly fat Of course, exercise is very important. Without physical activity do not expect to get rid of belly fat. But there are several important clarifications that will help you to actually get rid of it.

Be sure to include in the aerobic exercise classes or cardio

That is, those who train the cardiovascular system. It is in the process of aerobic exercise is an active fat burning. Many people are under the influence of the myth that we need a special exercises for the stomach to burn fat accumulated on it. Do not believe it! The only thing they help - is to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but does not relieve you of the fat. Only cardio workout will help you! Cardio exercise lead to increased heart rate, and thus burn fat in the abdomen.

Give your muscles a rest

Even if you do every day without a break, it does not mean that the faster burn belly fat. The real effect you'd get if you intend to do in a day!

Often change the exercises

When the body gets used to the same movements, the progress may stop. Let us now and then shake your body, doing other exercises, unexpected for the body.

Fat burner pills

how to burn fat in the abdomen Also, capsules, and powders have recently become very tempting for those who want to lose belly. These drugs promise to burn fat without effort, without exercise and diet. That's why many go on about the advertising and believe that the pill will save them from the damned fat belly.
What vendors offer? One promise that the pills speed up the metabolism. Others argue that drugs melt stored fat. Although it sounds very tempting, doctors refute such promises. Moreover, doctors warn of possible side effects. If you decide to take fat burner pills, consult your doctor.

Only the combination of these natural methods to burn belly fat, how to exercise and a balanced diet. Take together regularly - no more, no less!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lose 5 pounds in 3 days

Lose weight by 5 kg in 3 day diet and proper nutrition. This is the best way to lose weight.
BUT! only if you have more or less OK with the stomach.
So, the diet itself is very simple.
Glass of water (150 ml), add 1 tbsp honey and 5-7 drops of lemon, stir and drink quickly.
10-15 minutes - tea or coffee.
- Cooked turkey and any vegetables, but not more than 500 g.
And the best dinner: 150-200 g cabbage pour 150 ml of water and simmer for 15-20 minutes with no added salt, etc. joy.
Drink the broth should be slowly, for 30-40 minutes. And at night, if torturing hunger, can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Here, a 3-day course for weight loss.

1 Day Diet (well, if Saturday):
In the morning, not getting up, drink a pint of water. So better remove toxins. Vertical position, on the contrary, to complicate the process of exchange.
For breakfast, prepare a drink from
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa and
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • One spoonful of cocoa - a daily dose of magnesium, essential to healthy body.
  • In the winter (especially Russian), this drink can indulge in several times a day because it perfectly warm and tones!
  • Milk - is calcium and protein, chocolate - energy, slow the "magic of the natural sugar."
  • 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the cocoa will be drunk, eat an orange or grapefruit.
1 cup of milk,
And try to 12 hours of the day to drink 1 liter of mineral water without gas.
By lunchtime, cook or bake in foil 200 g lean fish, such as pollock, season it with lemon, cumin and a drop of olive oil.
A fish can eat 200 grams of white chicken meat ili150 g lean pork or beef, but cooked the same way.
Garnish - 300 g of vegetables (onions, leeks, carrots, tomatoes, etc.), and not an ounce bolshe.Kolichestvo should not exceed 500 g!

Caution: Do not add salt!

After 2 hours in the afternoon you can afford yogurt (without fruit flavors and sweeteners), seasoned with a coffee spoon of honey - it will calm the stomach.
About 16 hours, that is, in the afternoon, drink hydromel. This invigorating drink, invented by Madeleine, reduces appetite. Hydromel consists of juice of 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey and 0.25 liter of water.
In 19 hours (at the time French traditionally lunch) time to drink vegetable broth from Madeleine.
His recipe is simple:
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 kg leeks (excellently removes waste);
  • 500 g carrots (vitamin A);
  • 500 g tomatoes (potassium);
  • some cumin seeds (also removes toxins).
Method of preparation:
Finely chop the vegetables, add the boiling water and cook for 20 minutes, then strain the broth.
You should not add salt. Should drink 3 cups every 10 minutes, and another 20 to seize their bulona.Iz vegetables from all the above, perhaps the only leek can bring trouble, as yet not available in all stores, and is quite expensive.
However, it is irreplaceable. Cook only the white part, and eat immediately after cooking, or cleaning properties teryayutsya.Esli vegetables "so" do not go, cook from them something like a salad,
seasoning 1 teaspoon of mustard,
lemon, pepper, herbs,
vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Before going to sleep again n eat yogurt with a coffee spoon of honey.
Calcium is best absorbed in a dream!


That ended the day shape recovery. You sleep and the body and brain are working processing information received during the day. Serene and strong, like a baby, sleep is guaranteed!

2 Day Diet:


What you read now, absolutely not common belief and become passive Valya all day in bed, as a freshman on a vacation, get just to drink, eat and go to the need for a smooth . Do only what you feel comfortable. V this day, barely awake, drink a glass of water.

Just before noon to drink (note only small sips)
1.5 liters of water,
juice of two grapefruits,
cocoa made according to recipes of Day 1,
0.5 liters vegetable stock.
In 16 hours
Eat yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey
, And an hour or two - hydromel.
For dinner, prepare the already known method 200 g white lean fish
and serve it with the vegetables from the broth (no salt, of course).
At bedtime
- Again, one coffee yogurt with honey.

3 Day Diet

Do not panic! This day is especially important that the efforts of the previous two did not go . Breakfast drink, do not get out of bed, half a liter of water and eat a grapefruit, and after 15 minutes, prepare the cocoa and honey.

Before lunch you should drink 1 liter of water, but no more than half a liter for the reception. Lunch
today will be milk.
Your diet will consist of
250 g full-fat cottage cheese (0%) mixed with unsweetened yogurt and honey.

You can and should use more additives to this dish.

Here are recipes for sweets:
- 2 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon cocoa
- 2 soup spoons of raisins or 4 large black Slitheen (they can be replaced by 5 dried apricots, pre-soaked for 3-4 hours in yogurt)
- 2 teaspoon of jam
- Fruit (1 apple or pear), baked or boiled with a little honey for 1-2 minutes
- 125 g of berries (raspberries, cherries, strawberries) and 2 coffee spoons of honey.

And here is the recipe for those who like salty (but no salt).

It could be herbs (parsley and tarragon)
vegetables (cucumber, radish, onion)
spices (cumin and pepper).
"Salty" version  dessert of cooked fruit - any to choose from, or 4-5 dried fruit.
Incidentally, such a dinner for the amount of protein, calcium and sugar - the equivalent of a normal meal.
But it is much easier to digest. In 15 hours
Eat 1 dried fruit to choose from, and an hour later another one.
Between 17.00 and 19.00
should take one hydromel.
For dinner - 200 g white meat or white fish
garnish 300 g of vegetables, seasoned with 2 tbsp. of olive oil.
At bedtime
traditional yogurt with coffee spoon of honey.

"Already at the end of the second day, you'll be pleasantly surprised" - this is usually written by advertising different diets.

But that's how it will be.
Those who dreamed of a slim figure, got rid of a couple of extra pounds
and a few centimeters in waist circumference.
Becomes noticeable reduction in the size of the stomach,
as before, in the "usual" mode, power had been increased.

See More Free Diet Plans 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to lose weight fast ?

The list of "unworthy" techniques to lose weight fast

To lose weight fast? Actually, I do not accept an emergency weight loss. faster grow thin, the more unstable the result. But what can you do if after a few weeks desperately need to be in shape. A balance shows a few extra pounds? Yes, if the bow wedding or holiday, no choice. Both - quite respectful excuse to use some of my tricks banned from our "underground" fitness arsenal.

Lose weight fast - the first reception
Less fat!

Experts in sports nutrition first thing recommended to minimize the consumption of fats. What is this level? No more than 25 grams per day. Actually, such a dose to the body is too small, and even harmful, so long to sit on such a diet simply can not. But that use this technique for a while it is quite possible - for 3-4 weeks is nothing wrong with you not going to happen.

From its menu once cross out all meat, sausage, egg yolks, olive oil, animal fats, margarine, nuts, any sweets, buns, pastries, cakes and other products where fat in excess. Buy over the counter fish oil in the morning and take a spoonful. This is your standard for the day. If the fish oil really did not climb, buy on the market freshly oil and also take on a spoon.

Lose weight fast - second reception

Less sweet!

Everything that is not fat and meat - are carbohydrates. Fruit, candy, honey, jam, cereals, vegetables - all sources of carbohydrates. But! Carbohydrates are different - sweet (like honey or sugar) and more savory (like oatmeal or cucumber). Fire fear as sweet carbohydrates! Sweet provokes strong secretion of the hormone insulin. Well, he is just responsible for the creation of subcutaneous fat deposits for future use. The more frequent and more insulin is released, so you fatter. But the rice or oatmeal you anything so do not threaten. Here are just a milk substitute can trip you up. Although it unsweetened, but it contains "dangerous" sugar lactose. Milk and dairy products are better is not to drink.

Lose weight fast - the third reception

Eliminate processed foods from your diet

We are talking about ordinary products like pasta. This includes chips, cola, all canned food, fruit drinks and juices. All of this refined, food good for nothing. In the interest of long-term storage in these products added much that is absolutely contraindicated fantastic losing weight. For example, glycerol or nitrate.All that you are allowed to buy in the supermarket - it is rice, beans and oatmeal.

Lose weight fast - the fourth reception

Less crabs

Sharply reduce daily intake of carbohydrates! This will lead to the loss of body fluids, and you will drop substantially in size. This shock method is suitable only for single use. If you take in head and continue to sit on the low-carb diet , you risk harm yourself. The body, puzzled energy deficit, in order to save power fall into lethargy. Drowsiness, fatigue depression - that's what awaits you. However, in the last month and a half, with carbohydrates and can wait. Another thing is that at least a little bit of rice and oatmeal is not. Otherwise, where to get the energy to exercise?

Lose weight fast - the fifth reception


Alas, to landslide lose weight, one diet a little, need aerobics! How much? At least 5-6 times a week. The most effective way is: break the two hour session on the half-hour - morning and evening. Pulse must be at least 90% of maximum. To determine your personal heart rate, subtract your age factor 220 in years and multiply by 0.8.

If you train twice a day does not go in the evenings start a cross-training. Instead of mince on the treadmill for an hour, work out on it 20 minutes, then go to the elliptical trainer - also for 20 minutes, and then - in a rowing (another 20 min.). The intensity of each aerobic phase should be high - at least 90% of the maximum.

Lose weight fast - six receptions

Do not forget the squirrels!
Protein - the food of your muscles.That they are not "shrunk", bring daily protein intake to 1.6 grams per kilogram of your body. The trouble is that our traditional meat dishes contain too much fat. How can that be? Go to the protein powder. On the morning of his daily rate Weigh, dilute a cocktail on the water and pour in a thermos. Will only take a thermos to work. A cocktail reception at 5-6 with a break of 2.5 - 3 hours. Once or twice a week, eat a steam or boiled fish.

Lose weight fast - the seventh reception

Drink more!  
Excess water - stress to the body. The more you drink, the more stress hormones secreted by your adrenal glands. But just these hormones and are "fat burning." So that the water - it is absolutely indispensable feature in the battle for weight loss. But it's not only that. The more protein you eat, the more you need to drink. Increase the usual daily rate of at least 2.5 liters. Try to drink six to eight glasses of water before, during and after exercise, and in the morning as you wake up in the middle of the day (a total of 10 cups). Remember: you need still water!

Lose weight fast - the eighth reception

Constantly changing caloric intake  
Need to tinker with the calculations, but it is worth it. Owning a reference energy products and calculate the calories of your diet. Adding or subtracting meals, eat on the method of "zigzag". For example, for 3 consecutive days to Eat 1500 calories, divided into 4 meals. Then lift up to 1900 calories calories. - Only one day. And then again go back to 1500 calories - for another 3 days. The basic formula is: "move" like a zig-zag "diet should be 300-500 calories, no more and no less. If you feel absolutely exhausted, battered and weak, try to reduce the number of "hungry" days in the cycle to two.

Lose weight fast - the ninth reception

Take supplements
If we do not eat hardly anything, of course, do not get enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. So you have to buy a multivitamin and multi-mineral complexes. At the same time buy a fiber powder and add to the protein shake. From supplements should buy amino acid glutamine (powder or capsules). And it is absolutely required for thermogenic caffeine and ephedrine . Rapid effect of weight loss are diuretics - diuretics. However, with bad jokes. After all, it is a serious drug. If u take it easy diuretics plant-based.

Lose weight fast - the tenth reception

Less salt!  
The proven way to lose weight quickly - is expelled from the body excess water. Water is delayed due to sodium, which means that you have to eat less salt. More precisely, it is not there! It is not just about pickled cucumbers or herring. Much salt in mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces, and gas stations. Besides sodium compound added to many products for effect preservation. For example, the chips. Carefully read the labels: foods containing sodium, you basically do not fit. Homes anything not salt! Complete elimination of salt in the diet, "will take" up to four extra pounds.

 More on the subject: how to lose weight quickly  see: Weight Loss Diet.




Monday, February 18, 2013

How to get rid of excess fat - 10 Tips

Mysterious ways that people use to lose weight, sometimes look scary. One of the participants of the modern talk show said that her daily diet consists of a piece of bread with ketchup plastered on it, because it only helps her to not gain weight. 
Trying to find the fastest way to get rid of fat, women expose themselves to different physical torture. They have for many days slurp liquid cabbage soup, eat some grapefruit as long as they did not chapped lips, and sometimes to the extreme ... and stop eating altogether.
If you want to get rid of body fat and maintain that form in the future, you should do it right.
Here are 10 simple secrets that will help you get rid of fat:
Regularly train with weights.
Muscle - that's the secret of success in getting rid of fat. If you start to train with weights at least three times a week, you will build muscle. Muscles are not only give beautiful shape to your figure (it is elastic and embossed fabric, while the fatty tissue - soft and flabby), the more muscle you have, the more calories your body needs to support them. Muscle burns more fuel, even when you sleep. So, if you're sticking to a reasonable calorie diet low in fat, include resistance training to your program, it will significantly increase the likelihood that you will burn more calories than you consume. If the body is not enough coming from food calories, it uses the energy reserves of "fuel" (ie fat), gradually burning it.
  • No need to starve yourself.
If you do not change in volume for a few months, your body is used to this content in the fat. Significant reduction in consumption of calories will break the system. If you are starving, your body will be fat calories every possible cocoon. Your metabolism slows down, and the body will spend less "fuel". You will try in every way to lose weight, but your body will make every effort to retain as far as possible the existing soft tissue. Attempts to keep the number of calories too low will lead to the fact that your body will burn muscle for energy. A muscle - your "best helpers."
  • Eat less fat.
If you save your diet of excess fat, then you will see the results, regardless of whether you do or not. It is quite possible to live without chips and fried chicken. Eat boiled, stewed and baked meat and tomato sauces instead of cream sauce and sandwiches.
  • Fat contains more calories than protein and carbohydrates.
Many fats have no nutritional value, but there are some varieties that are acceptable. Buy a good book on nutrients, or a recipe book of low-calorie diet meals, it will help you. And when you know what you should avoid in the diet, it will open up new opportunities for you to achieve your goals in the regulation of its own weight.
  • Do not pay attention to labels such as "contains no fat."
Today, there are virtually fat-free versions of all products. The question is, is it necessary? This is not the only fool you (you start to believe that it is possible to have these products in large quantities, as they contain no fat), but who knows what they are found? What do they put in these products to replace fat? If you want to make cookies with no fat in the home of the good natural products - fine, but do not use one that is commercially available, stuffed with chemicals and preservatives, just because the label says that "it does not contain fat."
  • Give yourself a well-deserved award.
Best of all, if you allow yourself something like, manicure, massage or some entertainment to reward yourself for "diligent behavior." However, a small amount of the forbidden food can lift your spirits. If you have been disciplined all week, weekends allow yourself to make exceptions from the diet. Of course you should not overeat, but to afford some of the products on which you abstain, it is possible. Add to your scrambled egg whites small pieces of roasted meat. Instead eat a chicken breast pieces 01.02 pizza. A small piece of the pie with cheese or apples will not kill you. But do not let yourself get out of control and eat too big portion of these products. While you should allow yourself some things to brighten up there, too much good will throw you back in achieving the objectives.
  • You are always at hand to be something useful in case you want to eat.
There are times when you are hungry and you can not ignore this fact. Appetite for women varies throughout the menstrual cycle. If, after drinking a glass of water, you still feel hungry, you should still eat. On the hand, you always should be some useful food for the occasion. Fruit, raw carrots or cabbage, or even half a chicken breast completely satisfy your hunger. But try to avoid starchy foods, even popcorn, if you do not have enough control over themselves to stop in time when you really satisfied. Many women experience cravings for flour products containing a large number of calories. Try to refrain from complex carbohydrates, especially at night.
  • Increase aerobic activity.
If you want to speed up the fat burning process, increase the time of exercise. The more calories you burn, the faster your body will turn to fat stores for energy recovery, spending those calories that came with the food. Despite the great importance of weight training to maintain strength and fitness of the body, increasing aerobic activity (no matter what you choose - a long walk after dinner or half an hour on the treadmill in the morning) will help you to more quickly achieve your goals in burning fat.
  • Very good exercise in the morning.
During sleep, the body uses the available "fuel" (contained in the blood sugar and muscle glycogen), arrived with food for the day. If you practice in the morning right after waking up, when glycogen stores are depleted, your body has no choice - he can only get energy from fat reserves. Before breakfast, at least 20 minutes perform aerobic work (if time permits, you can even longer). If you have the ability, resistance training is also good conduct in the morning, then you have to get rid of fat. You will not only burn more fat for energy during intense workout, but it will accelerate the rate of metabolism for the day, which will result in burning more calories. But remember that weight training before breakfast - this is wrong. You will have enough power to perform the exercises correctly.
  • Drink more water.
Water - one of your best friends. It fills the stomach, giving a feeling of satiety, cleans the entire digestive system. The more you drink the liquid, the less likely water retention, which will help avoid the kind of puffy. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you exercise a lot and lose a lot of fluid in perspiration, you should drink even more fluids.
  • You should eat 5-6 small meals a day.
No, no, you do not have to load up "from the belly" to 6 times a day. You must be 6 times a day to get a small portion of protein and carbohydrates (with a minimum of fat). A serving of protein foods should be around 120 g (size of a deck of cards). A serving of carbohydrate food - it is about a cup of cooked rice, anything from fruit (about the size of a tennis ball), a bit of salad, etc. If you do not like to cook, it can get a special cocktail or meal replacement protein bar. Try to eat 3-4 times a normal diet, and in the intervals between meals - cocktails that are prepared very quickly. If you eat every 3 hours, it will not let you go hungry to the point that the "pounce" on the packet of crisps. This will keep the rate of metabolism, which means a higher rate of calorie burning.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013

How to lose weight at home ?

Coffee and tea to lose weight in the home:

To lose weight at home without the unpleasant memories, you need to do it with pleasure! Instead of strictly limit yourself to lunch and dinner, weight loss methods in the home should be built on the replacement of some other products, less calories and more useful. Fruit and berries (frozen can), excluding bananas and grapes, salad, dressed with low-fat yogurt, granola dried fruit, vegetable and fish soups, seafood, dairy products and whole-grain cereals - all delicious and can drop those extra pounds right at home. All this is based on a balanced, diet, which does not cause discomfort and dreams of a pot of ravioli in the night. Obsession with cream cakes and sausage sandwiches as a snack is also easy to drive away, with a refrigerator set for a low-calorie berry cocktail, or even an apple. And not having free time to relax on the couch - better to go dancing to include something life-affirming.

Pleasant slimming at home can be very effective to stimulate the drinks, not giving up the familiar taste and aroma. Special tea for weight loss not only reduces appetite and promotes fat loss, but also supports the stomach and cleanses the body of toxins. Slimming coffee has the same properties, making an active and cheerful mood, which is so important for the proper construction of the daily routine. So do not worry: How to lose weight at home? The question is how to look at the problem and how much to wish to solve it!

Fish Diet:

Fish diet is held for 2-3 days and guarantee freedom from three extra pounds.

You need to eat 5 times a day to 100 g unsalted cooked fish with vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes). For breakfast and lunch you can drink a glass of tea without sugar, coffee with lemon or broth hips.

Protein diet:

You can lose weight for 2-3 days 3-5 pounds, if you strictly adhere to the suggested diet.

Morning : 1 egg boiled soft-boiled, in 3 hours - about 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, which is washed down with tea, after a further 3 hours - over 150 g of cottage cheese and tea. Until the next morning only mineral water in any quantity.

Such a diet is too hard for the body. Repeated its application may not be earlier than 1 month.  

DOWNLOAD: Complete Diet Schedule